parent nodes: All Spells | Cure Disease | Magic Items

Cure Disease

Range: touch

Cleric 3

Duration: instantaneous

Cure disease cures all diseases and kills all parasites afflicting the target creature. A magical or otherwise special disease (as defined by the GM) may be unaffected by this spell, or may require a caster of a certain minimum level to cure it. Also note, just because a disease or parasite is removed does not mean that the victim cannot be infected anew should that affliction be encountered again.

The reverse form of this spell, cause disease, causes a living creature touched by the caster to suffer from a debilitating and potentially deadly disease for the next 1d10 days. A successful melee attack roll is required to touch the victim, and no Saving Throw is allowed. The target suffers a -2 penalty to attack rolls, Armor Class and Saving Throws. While the victim is sick they cannot benefit from natural healing of damage or Constitution point losses, nor prepare spells or move at running speed. At the end of each day in which an infected character performed any form of exertion (for example by fighting, traveling, working, or doing magical research), the character must roll a saving throw vs. Spells or suffer 1d6 points of damage. Once the spell duration has elapsed the affected character, if still alive, is free of the illness and can start healing damage and recovering lost Constitution points, and can again prepare spells.